Juveniles who have allegedly committed a delinquent act are escorted by police through this entrance. The police officer drives their vehicle through a secured driveway into a specialized parking area. A Detention Officer from the detention facility must open the door from the inside. Once inside, the youth are released from police custody into the care of the detention facility. Once in the detention facility, detention officers are responsible for the youth and the youth is expected to follow the rules of the detention center.

In addition to school, youth are given 1 hour physical activity each day.

 All youth must participate in all exercise activities while unit staff supervise. Physical contact is not permitted.

All meals are eaten on the unit under the supervision of unit staff. All food is well-balanced and meant to provide the proper nutrition. If needed, meals will be provided that meet special dietary needs. Special dietary needs may include medical, religious and/or vegetarian reasons.

Detainees are assigned to units based on their gender, age and charges with 12 youth per unit. Each unit has a general area where youth are able to write letters to their family, participate in educational programming provided by staff and watch approved television. Youth are given free time when their schedule allows and depending on their level. There are four behavior levels in this facility. Level 4 is the top level that can be achieved. Levels are decided through a rules based system in the facility. See the Rules tab for more information about levels.